Kamis, 22 Mei 2008

Proactive Acne Treatment

There is no doubt who among the adults and the teens should suffer from the acne disorder, both do and we have all witnessed this. Factual information based on extensive research that has been conducted by our brilliant physicians affirms that acne can be caused by a myriad of factors. These factors though will differ from victim to the next and that is why one must aim a t understanding their own before proactive acne treatment and control.

So in other words, one must aim at confronting their acne causes as proactive acne treatment plan. If your doctor among other things blamed your skin type to be the problem because the glands at its dermis are overactive, thus producing excessive sebum ( food for acne causing bacteria) , then you should take medical measures for this. of course, your doctor should guide you through this. Needless to say, cleaning the skin several times a day with a mild cleanser and a warm facial cloth to help remove keratin plugs and irritating oil is a very crucial step. This is so because keeping the skin clean will not prevent acne, but washing regularly will help existing acne from becoming bad.
In addition, if the cause of your acne is related to hormonal imbalance, perhaps your doctor should suggest the way forward with this in mind in connection to your acne disorder. This would get worse than before and your proactive acne treatment might not work if this problem is not tackled ahead of everything else. It is also very important that you eat a balanced diet because this way your immunity will remain strong and will not let you down when it comes to fight against acne especially if coupled with a stress free life.

A prescription containing five percent benzyl peroxide, applied to the skin at least once in every two days, can be advantageous in treating and controlling acne. Sharp doctors brains tell us that prescription containing benzoyl peroxide cause the surface of the skin to lightly shed. This mild removal of skin can facilitate the process of unclogging the sebaceous glands which might be full of sebum and dead cells.

Although they are effective, they might fail to deliver results immediately. It may be necessary to use them for numerous weeks to achieve results. If these medications seem to be unproductive after these weeks of habitual use, you could increase them to about ten percent on a daily basis. If there is any irritation discontinue using the product. Make sure label directions are read and followed carefully during proactive acne treatment.

Another optional treatment is the use of the prescription by the name of tretinoin. This works like benzoyl peroxide and is obtainable simply. For a number of people, tretinoin causes inflammation and this is why you must discontinue usage if this happens to you. If the above discomfort, then go try some very common yet many home remedies for acne problems

Make a paste of roasted and powdered pomegranate skin with fresh lime juice and apply over boils, acne, pimple, blackheads and whiteheads. Also try applying grated potatoes to treat skin blemishes, wrinkles, boils, pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads. Make a paste of sandalwood with rose water and apply on affected area and clean it off after thirty minutes with warm water. There so many proactive acne treatments you could try at home that I can not even afford to include them in this article.

By: Esteri Maina

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

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