Rabu, 21 Mei 2008

Acne Product Has A Specific Function.

Every genuine product in the market always have a specific function that it was made for and since it has satisfied the law standards and stipulation of that particular category of products it is perceived safe for human consumption. This reason why you must be very vigilant not to purchase the imitated ones that has not been tested to be secure for your consumption and thus might end up harming you. You might not differentiate between the accurate acne product and the fake one because the schemers know how to play their cards right and the naïve and innocent buyer will always fall for his big lie!!

Sooner than later, you need to gather as much information concerning your specific acne problem in the context of causes, severity and the precise cure to your unique problem. Do not fall to your friends or relatives advice about a given acne product that swiftly cleared their mess away in whatever number of days. How do you know if they have a similar problem as yours unless you are diagnosed by a dermatologist who knows his job well? Some times people's comments might cause painful cuts in our hearts and in the efforts to satisfy them, we put their silly comments in to practice only to damage our skins further.
Acne product could be specially designed to work by reducing the production of sebum from the oil glands. although this sebum has a positive function of keeping our skin naturally shinny and soft at times when the glands (sebaceous) at our skin deep act up, they might literally produce more that we need thus waking up the ruthless bacteria p. acnes that only feel honored to feast on the excess sebum. They do so while producing enzymes possibly to breakdown their "spectacular dish" if we try the usual biological concept on enzymes at your expense. Why? These enzymes only add up to your pain because they cause more inflammation of the present acne.

So it imperative to consult so that if you oil glands are super active, you are given a product that will slow them down a bit and there are many in form of oral antibiotics. If the brassy bacteria is the one that can not give your skin a break, then someone thought of a way to kill them rather than get them back to their usual slumber by coming up with an acne product. A good example of this is benzoyl peroxide which comes in form of gels, creams or washes and works by slaying, drying and the shedding effect I about six weeks.

The third way in which acne product will be made for is clearing the dead skin cells. the skin will always shed some dead cells that are not functional any longer, and these will clog the skin pores causing acne. as such this product will work by unclogging the pores and this will obviously allow the skin to breath. a good example of this is the adapalene which is a medical prescription, meaning your doctor must examine you, establish this as the cause of your acne and then prescribe this.

By: Esteri Maina

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

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