If you had acne previously, currently or have never had it, your aim must be to prevent acne on your skin, because as long there is a skin nearby, the causative bacteria p. acnes will for all time hang around it. Prevention therefore will include all the measures that you must take to ensure that you stay away from acne bacteria wrath because one thing you must understand is that your skin plays the host role. However this role might turn bitter to you when the intruder decides to show gratitude by devouring the same skin's sebum (a secretion of the sebaceous glands at the dermis). What makes the problem In order for you to do this, you must learn to maintain high sanitation standards of your skin at all times, understand your skin type and the products that are specially made for such. The dry, oily or a combination of the two is the most desirable for the bacteria as opposed to a normal skin. They say that a healthy looking skin will say much about a person's lifestyle and to some extent this is true. if you want to prevent acne at all times, then start by checking your diet, and if its is not balanced, then ensure you make with a special supplements of vegetables and fruits.
Again if you are the dormant type, who prefers working indoors all the time, it is high time you do something to treat yourself. Nothing comes so easily, not before you break your back trying to achieve it, simply learn to value exercising your body, not only to maintain a healthy weight but to allow free circulation of air. The other thing you should ensure is ensuring that before you purchase any cosmetic, you find out which skin type it was made for and for what purpose. Most products for acne are made to unclog the congested pores, others to reduce sebum production and yet other are made to kill bacteria.
One can be lucky to have no pimple ever in their lives but this is rare, at least one will one will not hurt. If you catch one, make sure that you do not pop it open because this will attract more germs to make it worse. You must also make sure that, stress and anxiety is far because this will show on your skin. At all times find coping skills that will enable you to deal head on with your problems and if you can not do any thing about them, then let go. Adopt an open- minded personality instead.
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worse are the enzymes released by the same bacteria as it eats thus causing more irritation to the pimple of whatever kind.
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