Rabu, 28 Mei 2008

Bugar dan Perkasa di Usia Senja

Ketika pasangan Anda mulai menginjak usia 40 tahun atau lebih, gejala andropause akan mulai mengintainya. Seperti apa saja, sih, gejalanya, dan benarkah pil biru dapat mengatasi andropause?

Jika menjelang memasuki gerbang usia senja perempuan akan mengalami menopause, maka pria akan mengalami andropause di usia seperti ini. Sayangnya, gejala-gejala andropause tidak sejelas menopause yang bisa terlihat secara fisik, yaitu berhentinya siklus menstruasi.

Nah, agar tak salah kaprah, Dr. Anita Gunawan MS. Sp. And., ahli andrologi yang berpraktik di Rumah Sakit Pusat Pertamina (RSPP) akan memberikan penjelasannya mengenai andropause, sekaligus cara mengatasinya.

Andropause, mulai dikenal di dunia kedokteran pada tahun 1940-an. Kata Andropause diambil dari bahasa Yunani, yaitu andro yang berarti pria dan pause yang artinya penghentian. Jadi, andropause bisa diartikan sebagai berhentinya proses fisiologis pada pria.

Menurut Anita, andropause merupakan proses alami yang terjadi seiring bertambahnya usia pada pria. "Semua pria pasti mengalami andropause, dan gejalanya biasanya mulai terjadi pada pria yang sudah berusia di atas 40 tahun," ucap Anita.

Di dunia kedokteran, lanjut Anita, istilah andropause juga dikenal dengan nama Partial Androgen Deficiency in Aging Male (PADAM). Gejala PADAM ini terjadi ketika produksi hormon testosteron, growth hormone, dan hormon melantonin menurun, sementara hormon prolaktin meningkat.

Perubahan kadar hormon ini mengakibatkan terjadinya andropause yang ditandai oleh perubahan yang dapat terlihat secara fisik. Misalnya, tubuh terasa panas, berkeringat terus-menerus, mudah lelah, insomnia, gelisah, dan timbul rasa takut.

"Emosinya juga mulai terganggu. Istilahnya cranky, moody tapi dia sendiri tidak tahu kenapa bisa begitu," ujar alumni Universitas Brawijaya Malang ini. Oleh karena itulah, biasanya pria yang tengah mengalami masa andropause ini mudah sekali marah atau tersinggung.

Suasana hati yang berubah ini, biasanya membuat pria menjadi kehilangan rasa percaya diri, penurunan motivasi, hingga depresi. Gejala-gejala lain dari androgen juga bisa menyerang vitalitas pria seperti berkurangnya tenaga, menurunnya kekuatan dan massa otot, penumpukan lemak, kehilangan rambut tumbuh, hingga osteoporosis.

Akan tetapi, gejala-gejala di atas jarang sekali disadari kaum pria yang ternyata dirinya sudah terkena andropause. "Biasanya, mereka akan kelabakan jika sudah terjadi gangguan pada fungsi seksualnya," ungkapnya lagi.

Menurunnya libido (gairah seksual) dan disfungsi ereksi adalah beberapa contoh gangguan fungsi seksual yang disebabkan menurunnya kadar testosteron di bawah angka normal. Wajar saja jika gangguan semacam ini dapat membangunkan pria dari tidurnya, karena bagaimanapun, masalah seks merupakan hal penting bagi pria.

Bahkan, menurut Anita, fenomena puber kedua yang terjadi pada kisaran usia ini juga sebenarnya disebabkan karena pria mengalami andropause. "Gejala andropause-lah yang menyebabkan pria berubah tingkah lakunya. Karena dia ingin menunjukkan dirinya masih gagah perkasa atau jantan, maka dia mulai bersolek," jelas dokter yang juga berpraktek di RS Siloam Kebon Jeruk ini.

Selain itu, oleh karena gejala-gejalanya terjadi secara perlahan dan tidak sekaligus, pria sering terlambat menyadari jika andropause sudah mengintainya. Apalagi, di usia 40 tahun ke atas, pada umumnya pria sedang berada dalam tahap pencapaian target dan peningkatan kualitas dalam hidupnya.

Hal ini menjadikan pria jadi kebingungan untuk membedakan, perubahan yang terjadi pada tubuhnya bukan hanya dipengaruhi kondisi eksternal, tetapi juga berasal dari dalam tubuhnya juga.

Bagi pria, usia 40 tahun ke atas memang menjadi awal timbulnya gejala andropause. Namun, pada kenyataannya akan berbeda pada satu pria dengan yang lainnya. "Semua pria pasti mengalami andropause, karena dia mengalami proses penuaan. Hanya prosesnya saja yang berbeda," tegas Anita.

Sementara itu, cepat atau lambatnya proses andropause terjadi pada pria, dipengaruhi oleh dua faktor, yaitu faktor internal dan eksternal. "Pengaruh internal bisa dari tubuhnya sendiri atau genetik. Juga, bisa karena di dalam tubuhnya sudah mengidap penyakit yang disebut sindroma metabolik," urai Anita.

Sindroma metabolik yang dimaksud Anita adalah penyakit degeneratif seperti darah tinggi, kolestorel tinggi, atau kencing manis. "Jika dia mempunyai gejala sindroma metabolik, proses andropause bisa lebih cepat terjadi."

Sementara faktor luar atau eksternal, berasal dari lingkungan. Suasana yang tidak kondusif seperti kebisingan, terlalu sering terpapar sinar matahari, dan polusi yang bisa menyebabkan stres adalah beberapa contohnya.

"Semua faktor tadi bisa mengakibatkan stres secara fisik dan psikis," tambah dokter yang gemar hiking ini. Selain itu, penggunaan bahan kimia yang terdapat dalam produk rumah tangga, pertanian, hingga pabrik pun bisa mempercepat proses andropause pada pria.

Gaya hidup tidak sehat juga ditenggarai dapat mempercepat pria terkena gejala andropause. "Misalnya dia merokok, suka begadang, dan pola makannya tidak benar, bisa lebih cepat terkena andropause."

Oleh sebab itu, gaya hidup sehat memang menjadi kunci utama jika pria ingin memperlambat proses andropause. Dengan mempraktekkan gaya hidup sehat, imbuh Anita, proses penuaan sekaligus proses andropause akan melambat dengan sendirinya.

"Ubah pola hidup menjadi lebih sehat seperti menghindari polutan, memperbaiki lingkungan sekitar, olah raga yang cukup dan seimbang, juga pola makan sehat," tegas Anita. Dengan menjaga tubuh tetap bugar, tentu kualitas hidupnya pun akan meningkat dan gangguan-gangguan yang diakibatkan andropause bisa diperlambat.

Sayangnya, hingga saat ini, masih banyak saja pria yang salah mengerti, dan menganggap obat-obatan seperti viagra bisa membantu mengatasi andropause.

Padahal, Anita menandaskan, obat-obatan semacam itu adalah sexotonic dan tidak boleh diminum sembarangan, karena ada efek sampingnya. Lebih baik, lanjutnya, berkonsultasi langsung dengan androlog agar permasalahannya bisa langsung teratasi.

Oleh sebab itu, Anita menyarankan agar perempuan sebagai pasangannya menghadapi pria yang mengalami proses andropause, dengan kepala dingin. "Tak perlu bertanya-tanya atau cerewet, cukup amati saja. Apakah dia sudah mulai sakit-sakitan? Jika pasangannya ikut mengeluh, apalagi soal seksual, sebaiknya dibicarakan berdua." Jika tak bisa mengatasi sendiri, sekali lagi Anita menyarankan untuk berkonsultasi ke ahlinya atau androlog.

Lantas, pengobatan macam apa yang bisa dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah andropause ini? Selain dengan memperbaiki gaya hidup, teknologi pengobatan seperti terapi sindroma metabolik dan sulih hormon bisa digunakan untuk mengatasinya. "Terapi sindroma metabolik itu, misalnya jika dia mengidap darah tinggi, ya diobati dulu darah tingginya, begitu juga dengan penyakit lainnya," papar Anita.

Terapi sulih hormon dilakukan dengan memberikan hormon testosteron (bisa lewat tablet, suntikan, koyo, sampai implan) dan harus dilakukan di bawah pengawasan dokter. Terapi ini harus dilakukan dengan hati-hati karena dikhawatirkan bisa memancing penyakit lain pada pria, seperti kanker prostat. "Sebelum terapi sulih hormon, pasien harus diperiksa dulu secara menyeluruh," ucap Anita.
Astrid Isnawati.


Pare, Si Pahit yang Banyak Khasiat

Tanaman satu ini terkenal karena buahnya yang pahit. Toh, meski pahit, tanaman pare ternyata memiliki banyak khasiat.

Di balik rasa pahit itu tersimpan sejuta manfaat untuk kesehatan. Buahnya mengandung albiminoid, karbohidrat, dan zat warna. Daunnya mengandung momordisina, momordina, karantina, resin, dan minyak lemak. Sementara akarnya mengandung asam momordial dan asam oleanolat. Bijinya mengandung saponin, alkaloid, triterprenoid, dan asam momordial.

Tanaman pare (Momordica charabtia) berasal dari kawasan Asia Tropis, namun belum dipastikan sejak kapan tanaman ini masuk ke wilayah Indonesia. Saat ini tanaman pare sudah dibudidayakan di berbagai daerah di wilayah Nusantara.

Umumnya, pembudidayaan dilakukan sebagai usaha sampingan. Pare ditanam di lahan pekarangan, atau tegalan, atau di sawah bekas padi sebagai penyelang pada musim kemarau.

Ada sederetan penyebutan nama tanaman pare, misalnya: paria, parea, pepareh, popare, papari, pepare, pariane, kambeh, paya, prieu, foria, pariak, paliak, truwuk, paita, poya, pudu, pentoe, beleng-gede, pania, pepule, kakariano, dan taparipong.

Ini menunjukkan, tanaman pare sudah tersebar di pelosok daerah. Hanya saja, masih banyak belum diketahui, pare ternyata bisa dimanfaatkan untuk menyembuhkan beberapa penyakit maupun meningkatkan kesehatan manusia.

Apa saja, sih, kegunaan tanaman pare?

Khasiat Buah
1. Disentri
Sediakan 2 buah pare segar, cuci lalu potong-potong. Tambahkan seperempat gelas air bersih, lalu diblender. Seduh dan peras. Silakan diminum 2 kali sehari.

2. Kencing Manis
Ambil 2 buah pare, cuci dan lumatkan. Tambahkan setengah gelas air bersih. Aduk dan peras. Minum sehari sebanyak 1 ramuan. Diulang selama 2 minggu.

3. Penambah ASI
Ambil 1 buah pare, cuci bersih, lalu rebus beberapa menit. Dipakai sebagai lalap.

4. Bisul
Buah pare dipakai sebagai obat luar. Ambil 1 buah segar lantas dilumatkan. Borehkan pada bagian yang terkenal bisul.

5. Bronkhitis
Sediakan 2-3 buah pare, lalu diambil sarinya. Berikan 1 sendok makan madu. Minum sekali sehari. Lakukan selama 3 bulan. Resep ini juga baik untuk menyembuhkan anemia, radang perut, sakit pada hati, nyeri haid, reumatik, dan melangsingkan tubuh.

Khasiat Daun
1. Bisul dan cacing kremi
Sediakan 1 genggam daun segar, diberi seperempat cangkir air bersih, lalu blender. Saring dengan kain kasa. Jika perlu, tambahkan sedikit garam, gula aren secukupnya, dan jeruk nipis. Minum sekali sehari seperempat cangkir. Lakukan selama 1 minggu.

2. Demam nifas
Ambil 3 daun pare segar, cuci bersih, dan lumatkan. Tambahkan segelas air dan sedikit garam, lalu seduh. Peras dan saring, lalu minum 2 kali sehari sebanyak setengah gelas.

3. Penambah ASI
Sediakan 2 daun pare lalu panaskan beberapa saat. Kompreskan pada payudara.

4. Sakit pada hati
Sediakan 6 gram daun pare segar, 5 gram rimpang temulawak, dan 110 ml air. Didihkan semua bahan selama 15 menit, lalu saring dengan kain kasa, dan peras. Minumlah sekali sehari. Ulangi selama 2 minggu.

5. Rambut Subur
Ambil beberapa helai daun pare segar, cuci bersih lalu remas-remas. Cukup dioleskan ke kulit kepala anak.

6. Batuk
Pilihlah 7 daun pare segar, lantas seduh dengan 2 sendok makan air bersih. Setelah itu, peras dan saring. Minum 2 kali sehari.

7. Bekas luka
Cuci bersih segenggam daun pare segar, lalu lumatkan. Tambahkan air panas sedikit, lalu peras. Campur air perasan dengan 2 sendok makan tepung beras, lalu aduk sampai merata. Borehkan pada bagian bekas luka setiap hari.

8. Wasir
Ambil 5 daun pare segar, tambahkan seperempat gelas air, didihkan dan peras. Ambil 3 sendok air perasan ini, lalu dicampur dengan segelas yoghurt cair. Minum setiap pagi.

9. Kemandulan
Sediakan 27 gram sari daun pare segar, 7 butir lada hitam, 3 siung bawang putih, dan 27 gram gula jawa. Semua bahan dilumatkan, lalu tambahkan segelas air bersih. Didihkan dan peras. Minum air perasan setiap hari selama 3-4 bulan.

10. Penyakit kulit
Buatlah 1 cangkir sari daun pare. Caranya, ambil 3 helai daun pare ditambah satu setengah cangkir air. Didihkan dan peras. Campur air perasan berupa sari ini dengan sesendok air jeruk. Minum sekali sehari.

11. Rabun malam
Sari daun pare dioleskan di sekitar mata.

Khasiat Akar
1. Disentri Amoeba
Ambil segenggam akar pare, tambahkan segelas air bersih. Didihkan dan peras. Minum sekali sehari.

2. Ambeien
Ambil akar pare, cuci bersih, lantas lumatkan. Oleskan ramuan ini pada ambeien.


Kamis, 22 Mei 2008

The Difference between Ethanol and Trifluoroethanol

There are many differences between Ethanol and Trifluoroethanol. One of the major differences in usage is that ethanol has recently been used as an alternative fuel. Although Ethanol is used as a solvent as well, Trifluoroethanol on the other hand is an organic compound that is used as a solvent in chemistry.

Chemistry Make Up of Ethanol and Trifluoroethanol

Ethanol is also known as drinking alcohol or grain alcohol, or ethyl alcohol. It is a flammable and colorless chemical compound. The alcohol in beverages with alcohol is also known as ethanol. Many times, Ethanol is referred to simply as "alcohol", although that distinction is not always quite correct. It has the molecular formula of EtOH, CH3CH2OH, C2H5OH, and is also known by its empirical formula of C2H6O. Ethanol is classified as being an alcohol. This means that the carbon that is attached to its hydroxyl group is a carbon which has at least two hydrogen atoms that are attached to it also. Ethanol has a hydroxyl proton that is weakly acidic, even more so than water.

Trifluoroethanol, on the other hand, is an fluoro organic compound. It has the formula of CF3CH2OH. It is also known as TFE, and is sometimes called trifluoroethyl alcohol. It is also colorless, but is a liquid compound that is water-miscible. It is often confused with Ethanol because Trifluoroethanol smells similar to Ethanol. Trifluoroethanol is extremely acidic, much more acidic than ethanol. It is therefore able to form stable compounds with other heterocycles, through hydrogen bonding.

Creation of Ethanol and Trifluoroethanol

Ethanol is created by the fermentation of sugar. This is almost the earliest organic reaction that is known to man. In fact, this organic reaction, and the intoxicating effects that consuming Ethanol have had on the body, have been known since ancient times. Ethanol is also used in industry, and this type of ethanol is produced from petroleum refining.

Trifluoroethanol, on the other hand, is produced industrially. It is formed by the process of hydrogenation – or the process of the reduction of hydride derivatives of esters or acid chloride. These derivatives of trifluoroacetic acid are what produce Trifluoroethanol. Trifluoroethanol can also be produced by hydrogenolysis of certain compounds. These are the compounds of the genetic formula CF3-CHOH-OR.

Uses of Ethanol and Trifluoroethanol

Ethanol has been used for many years as a solvent for substances that are intended to come into contact with humans. This includes lots of different things, such as scents, flavorings, medicines, or colorings. It is also a solvent in chemistry. This is because it is extremely versatile – meaning that it can be mixed with water and many other organic solvents. Some of these include acetic acide, benzene, acetone, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, diethyl ether, glycerol, ethylene glycol, pyridine, toluene, and nitromethane. It can also be mixed with aliphatic chlorides. These include trichloroethane, and tetrachloroethylene.

Ethanol and water mixed together create several unusual phenomena. It is able to reduce the surface tension of water. It also forms an azeotrope or constant-boiling mixture when it is mixed with water.

However, most notably Ethanol is used as a fuel for internal combustion engines. It is used for motor fuel, and also for a fuel additive. This happens all over the world, but Brazil has the highest percentage of Ethanol that is found in fuels. 20% of the fuel is ethanol. In the United States, a mixture of 85% Ethanol has been introduced as a fuel for cars. Cars must be created with the ability to use this fuel.

Trifluoroethanol, on the other hand, is used as a solvent in organic chemistry. Most notably, Trifluoroethanol is used in oxidations of sulfur compounds that use hydrogen peroxide. Trifluoroethanol is also used in biology. It is a co-solvent in the protein folding process that is used with NMR spectroscopy. This is because TFE can solubilize proteins and also peptides. It has a very strong effect on the structure of proteins, which is a three dimensional structure. This effect allows Trifluoroethanol to be used in these situations and to be used to create solutions with proteins. Trifluoroethanol is also used industrially. It is used in these situations as a solvent for nylon. This allows the nylon to be changed and molded. Trifluoroethanol is also used in several applications in the pharmaceutical field.

Although Ethanol and Trifluoroethanol smell the same, and are both used as solvents, they are actually quite different. Understanding this difference allows companies and researchers to use both of these compounds to their greatest overall potentials.

About The Author

Stephanie Larkin is a freelance writer who writes about issues and topics pertaining to the use of http://www.halocarbon.com/fluorochemicals/applications.shtmlchemicals such as Fluorochemicals Agricultural Chemicals

Why Your Diet May Not Be As Rich In Iodine As You Assume

The trace mineral iodine is well known for its crucial role in enabling the body's manufacture of vital thyroid hormones, but it is also important for the health of the immune system and for optimal brain function. It is widely believed by many authorities that iodine deficiency should never be seen in the affluent West, although this problem affects millions throughout the developed world.

Some nutritionists argue, however, that this conventional view is too optimistic, because the content of all minerals in foods is heavily dependent on the mineral content of the soil from which those foods are derived. The assumption must therefore be that the continuing de-mineralisation of farm soils has led to a reduction in the amount of dietary iodine commonly consumed.

Fish and other seafood, however, remain a relatively rich source because these ocean creatures concentrate the sea's iodine in their flesh. Though not commonly eaten in the West, seaweed, or kelp, is also an excellent source of iodine for this reason, and is readily available in the form of a dietary supplements. Dairy products and certain meats may also be a good source, particularly where iodine is routinely added to farm animal feed. But in countries, including most of Western Europe, where animals are grazing fields growing on iodine depleted soils, levels are likely to be much lower.

So even in the West, those not including fish or seafood in their diets, and not using iodised or sea salt, may be at real risk of deficiency. In an effort to compensate for low levels of dietary iodine, the mineral has been routinely added to ordinary table salt in the US for many years. But the practice is not as common in the UK and other European countries, where specially iodised or natural "sea-salt" has been marketed more as a luxury alternative. The problem of insufficient dietary iodine has been compounded on both sides of the Atlantic, however, by increasing concern about the possible adverse health consequences, particularly high blood pressure, of excessive salt intake. Many nutritionists, however, regard these fears as exaggerated, and believe that any such potential problems are far less serious than the consequences of an insufficiency of iodine, and may be easily resolved by the use of the low sodium salt alternatives available.

Iodine, however, cannot in any case be regarded as a luxury. Its essential function lies in the production of the vital thyroid hormones; thyroxine, sometimes known as T4, and tri-iodothyronine, or T3. And as is well known, these hormones are crucially important in ensuring a healthy metabolic rate and the release of energy from food; so an underactive thyroid gland is commonly the villain in cases of excessive weight gain, particularly where this of sudden onset, and in cases of difficulty in losing weight even when following a sensible reducing programme. A healthy thyroid gland is also crucial for the optimal functioning of the immune system.

But perhaps even more importantly, iodine deficiency is also known as a major cause of avoidable brain damage; a problem which the World Health Organisation has estimated to affect an astonishing 50 million people worldwide. Sadly, many of these cases occur in children whose mothers were iodine deficient in pregnancy, resulting in a condition of severely retarded brain development known as congenital hypothyroidism, or "cretinism". Even where such catastrophic consequences are avoided, iodine deficiency in childhood may also have serious effects on the developing brain, leading to low energy and motivation for learning, and measurable impairment of IQ scores.

Since 2001 the Food and Nutrition Board of the US Institute of Medicine (FNB) has prescribed a Recommended Dietary Allowance for iodine of 150 mcg for all individuals over 14, rising to 220 mcg for pregnant women and 290 mcg for those breastfeeding. Somewhat confusingly, however, an excessive consumption of iodine is also associated with a malfunctioning or enlargement of the thyroid gland, as well as mouth ulcers, headaches and gastric upsets, and the FNB therefore advises an upper safe limit for daily iodine consumption of 1,100 mcg for adults. Most people eating a conventional Western diet are unlikely to exceed this level.

With the possible exception of pregnant and breastfeeding women, people in the West who use liberal quantities of iodised salt as a regular seasoning are unlikely to need further supplements. But many commercial multi-mineral preparations contain iodine in reasonable quantities, usually in the form of potassium iodide, and whilst not perhaps strictly necessary, such supplementary doses will do no harm and may be regarded as a useful insurance policy given that, like all minerals needed by the body, iodine functions best in the presence of adequate supplies of all the others. And it should be particularly noted in this context that the effects of any deficiency of iodine may be intensified by any deficiency of selenium, iron or vitamin A.

About The Author

Steve Smith is a freelance copywriter and journalist with a particular interest in health and wellness.

Find out more at http://www.sisyphuspublicationsonline.com/LiquidNutrition/Iodine.htm

Athletes are Prone to Dermatological Irritation: What Can Be Done?

When one thinks of the injuries sustained by baseball players, skin irritation is not necessarily the malady that jumps to mind. But for Josh Beckett, ace pitcher of the Boston Red Sox, it is exactly those sorts of concerns that have proven most debilitating over the years: Beckett has suffered from blisters on the fingers of his pitching hand that have landed him on the disabled list an astonishing six times since 2000.

That is a painful problem. It is an expensive problem. And it is a problem that can curtail seasons; it can derail careers; it can mean the difference between playing and not playing, winning and losing.

In Search of Topical Pain Relief

And it’s not limited to Beckett, pitchers, or even baseball players. Athletes of all stripes risk injury due to blisters, abrasions, eczema, cuts...all dermatological concerns that demand topical pain relief. And, it doesn’t end there: Those who participate in outdoor sports—tennis, sailing, skiing, and so on—frequently suffer from sunburn. Those who sweat a lot in workouts or competition such as basketball players, gymnasts, and runners have to deal with chafing. It especially helps runners to prevent blisters, abrasions, and also expedites in healing. These are recurring problems that demand chronic pain management. Yet, many athletes downplay these concerns, oftentimes because such injuries are not considered severe. Hey, it’s not a broken bone or a torn hamstring, so how bad can it be? It can be bad enough to cause an athlete to lose a step, or to favor a certain leg, arm or muscle group. It can also be bad enough to lead to more severe injuries. Just ask Josh Beckett.

As such, athletes aiming to remain in top form should seek to treat their dermatological concerns via natural health remedies. Indeed, natural pain relief is the optimum method for keeping an athlete’s skin healthy and hydrated. In fact, the importance of hydration itself cannot be overstated. Of course, the simplest and most effective method for staying hydrated is to simply drink water. And for athletes, who lose a great deal of fluids through sweating, water should be consumed frequently. In fact, it’s said that even 2 percent dehydration decreases an athlete’s performance by as much as 10 percent. Adequate hydration is crucial in keeping one’s skin healthy.

For athletes already suffering from blisters, abrasions or the like, simple powders and ointments such as Johnson’s Baby Powder or Gold Bond Medicated Ant-Itch Cream can be purchased inexpensively, and can provide tremendous relief. Even petroleum jelly can be applied to cuts or chafed areas to provide immediate topical pain relief.

For athletes suffering from dermatological issues, chronic pain management can truly be that basic. Again, let’s take the example of Josh Beckett: The Red Sox hurler addressed his blisters issue with…surgery? Laser treatment? Nope. He used Band-Aids.

Which doesn’t mean that Band-Aids or baby powder are the only methods for treatment, or even the most effective ones (it should be noted that Beckett’s Band-Aid solution prevented him from throwing his curveball during bullpen sessions, and his on-field performance suffered as a result).

Advanced Natural Pain Relief

For athletes looking for more advanced natural pain relief, XTreme Skin Ointment (http://www.xtremeskin.com) offers a wide range of healing capabilities: It creates a breathable, protective barrier for the skin; it locks out germs and bacteria, and locks in moisture; and it accelerates the skin’s healing process. Natural health remedies like XTreme Skin Ointment can (and should) be used as a preventative measure, but they can also be applied to damaged areas.

It must be stated that no athlete is immune to dermatological issues: Bowlers will often suffer from blisters and cuts; rock climbers, from cracked skin and burns; horseback riders, from chafing; swimmers, from dry skin; weightlifters, from calluses. And, too many athletes will try and play through these problems when they should be seeking out chronic pain management techniques and natural pain relief.

An athlete’s skin is as related to his or performance as his or her muscles, yet too few recognize this. It is crucial that athletes seek out topical pain relief, and it is recommended that they do so through natural health remedies. To ignore them, or to treat them ineffectively, can spell damage, disaster and heartbreak. Just ask Josh Beckett.

About The Author

Tom Maroney, CEO of Banner Therapy Products in Asheville, NC, was a practicing N.Y. attorney for many years prior to being in a terrible car accident. As the result of severe neck and brain injuries, he was exposed to many rehabilitative products, first hand. This experience prompted him to become an investor, advisor and later CEO, of Banner Therapy Products. Since the inception of the company, 10 years ago, the company has gone from carrying 400 to 6,000 products. His wife, Dianne, is a principal in the business as well and has a medical background in neurology. Currently, she works with children to assist in analyzing medical disabilities. Tom and Dianne continue to travel the world seeking out new products. Email:service@bannertherapy.com or visit http://www.bannertherapy.com for more information.

Health Center Staff Take Lead Role In Preparing Their Campuses For Pandemic Flu

It sounds like the plot of the next blockbuster movie. A third of the world’s population is struck down by a deadly virus that spreads across the globe so rapidly that there is no time to develop a vaccine. Up to half of those infected – even young, healthy adults – die. But as health professionals know, this scenario is not just a flight of fancy. It could be the very real effects of the next pandemic flu outbreak, particularly if H5N1 (also known as highly pathogenic avian flu) is the virus in question, and it is this knowledge that is pushing not just federal and state government but organizations and businesses throughout the world to develop a strategy to tackle it.

Within colleges and universities, the burden of pandemic flu planning is likely to fall upon many student health directors, even at institutions with environmental health and safety departments. John Covely, a consultant on pandemic flu planning and the co-author of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s pandemic plan, explains why this is so.

“Traditionally, emergency planning originates from public safety, or environment health and safety, but a communicable disease poses the biggest threat to students in group quarters. Thus, student health directors are often leading the emergency planning effort for the whole university, because the entire plan - not just the student health component - could be the difference in life or death for their students.”

The importance of having a campus-wide plan that is ready – not just in the preliminary stages – when the pandemic strikes is all the more clear when you consider that, unlike seasonal flu, H5N1 has an increased risk for the typical student demographic of young, healthy adults. The startlingly high mortality rate of up to 60 percent is partly due to a protein, also found in the strain of virus responsible for the 1918 pandemic flu outbreak, which causes a response in a healthy immune system known as a “cytokine storm”, often leading to respiratory failure and death.

Planning for such a massive and yet unpredictable event may seem a formidable task, but Dr. Anita Barkin, chair of the American College Health Association’s pandemic planning committee, counsels that those universities and colleges that have yet to formulate a pandemic plan shouldn’t feel overwhelmed by the work that lies before them. “Pandemic planning is about good emergency preparedness. The things we do to prepare for any emergency are the things we would do to prepare for pandemic flu,” she explains.

Although the tragic Virginia Tech shootings this spring were a different kind of emergency, the issues are similar to the issues faced in the event of a pandemic flu outbreak. Coordinating resources, communicating with everyone on campus and deciding at what stage classes should be called off are questions that have to be answered in most emergency situations. Take your pandemic planning one step at a time, advises Barkin.

“The first step is to find out whether there is an existing emergency plan on campus,” she says. “If there is, who is in charge of it? Health providers on campus should then take charge and begin to formulate the plan.”

There are many unknown factors, but build the framework of the plan first with the elements you can be sure of. Form a committee with all key areas represented, including executive leadership. ACHA’s Guidelines for Pandemic Planning provides a list as an example that may help you collate this. Identify the functions that will be critical in the case of a pandemic and the personnel on campus responsible for each of these, making sure there are enough people representing each function that should some become sick, the plan is not compromised. Identify decision makers, a chain of command, and what channels of communication are to be used. Finally, decide on the role of student health services. Many campuses will have the student health director as the key decision maker in the event of a pandemic, but for some it will be more appropriate for the student health director to have an advisory role instead. In any case, college health professionals will be crucial to the success of every plan.

The biggest question that is central to every campus-wide pandemic plan: when is the right time to send students home? Covely warns that universities cannot necessarily wait for cues from state public health departments before they make their decisions. “The university has to have its own in-depth criteria in advance of a pandemic, and the student health director should be very involved in developing those criteria.”

Don't wait too long to send your students home. Nor should your trigger for this decision rely on the geographical proximity of the virus to your campus alone.

The factors that will determine how early you make the call to send students home will center on the composition of your student population. If your students are mostly from in-state, they will probably be traveling home by car and so you can wait slightly longer before canceling classes and closing the campus down. If many students live a long way away and are going to need to use mass transportation, you may have to act more quickly or risk being swamped with very ill students at a time when the local hospitals will not have the resources to help.

There are three main elements that will shape the logistics and the scale of your plan, and help you figure out the best trigger to send students home. Remember that, as Barkin comments, “The longer you wait, the higher the rate of infection, the less chance of being able to get students home and the less likely you can manage the burden of disease.”

These factors are as follows:

* Student demographics, particularly the number of students who live on campus and the number of non-local students who are likely to be dependent on care.

* The size of your staff (taking into account that up to 50 percent may be sick at one time).

* Your ability to stockpile enough basic supplies, including medications, as well as personal protective equipment such as respirators.

This is where things start to get more complicated, however. Most student health services can’t afford to stockpile many medical supplies. “ACHA is running a survey on pandemic planning,” reveals Barkin. “Of the schools that have responded, most have not stockpiled, or if they have, it’s not a lot.” This could clearly prove disastrous, and for many colleges is a manifestation of what Covely cites as one of the biggest challenges of pandemic planning for some universities: “getting buy-in from the executive leadership.” Pandemic planning is by no means a cost-free exercise.

One tip if you are facing resistance from campus decision-makers over spending money on pandemic planning is to emphasize the fact that once you’ve formulated a response to a possible pandemic, you will have a robust emergency response strategy that can be adapted to fit virtually any emergency, whether it’s evacuation in the event of wildfires, such as Pepperdine University faced recently, a terrorist threat, or an “active shooter”. Investment in, say, developing a Web site with emergency information and updates can be a public relations bonus and a reliable resource. Villanova University’s plan includes broadcasting SMS text messages and e-mails and using an emergency Web page for mass communication.

Dr. Mary McGonigle, director of the student health center at Villanova University, says that their dialogue with their local health department led to Villanova being assessed and labeled a “push” site, a location that is self-sufficient in this type of emergency. She explains:

“In the event of a pandemic, we’d go and pick up supplies from the county and then administer medicine to our Villanova community. That includes students, faculty and their families.”

Help from the county is a financial boon but being self-sufficient and staying local also lowers the risk of spreading the virus so rapidly. The dialogue helps your local health services too. If your local hospitals are likely to have a shortage of beds, they may want to use college dorms for surge capacity at the peak of a pandemic. In return, they may be able to offer you some resources, although research suggests that most hospitals have not had the budget to be able to stockpile effectively either.

The ongoing and fluid nature of pandemic planning is very much evident in some of the complex and thorny issues that have no definitive answer. These may need to be revisited and rethought as scientific discoveries are made, as you approach a pandemic, and if your college’s resources change. One such issue is the availability of expensive antivirals. The federal government has announced that it is stockpiling them and coming up with a strategy for distribution, which might seem to take some of the financial pressure off student health services. Barkin however has a caveat. “I’m concerned that stockpiles would not be distributed in enough of a timely fashion to make an impact on the community. Katrina is a situation that has to come to mind.”

Even if you did manage to persuade campus decision-makers to invest budget in stockpiling antivirals, a potentially challenging feat, there’s a chance that they would be ineffective by the time a pandemic occurs, as overuse can cause the emergence of a resistant strain. Barkin explains that infectious disease experts are talking about using a treatment cocktail – Tamiflu plus one or two other agents - to protect against the emergence of resistant strains, but this would be prohibitively expensive for the average college health center.

Another ethical dilemma surrounding pandemic planning concerns who should get prepandemic vaccines. Scientists are developing vaccines based on the strain of avian flu that has been circulating in Asia, hoping that the vaccine would be enough of a match to combat the illness until a proper vaccine could be developed six months after the pandemic’s emergence. But supplies of this prepandemic vaccine will be limited.

“Some of the conversations around who should get these prepandemic vaccines are very complex,” says Barkin. “Should it be health care workers that get it, or public safety workers such as firemen? Should it be government officials, or the very young and elderly?” Recently, the federal government has announced a three-tiered approach to vaccination that it has developed in consultation with public focus groups and ethicists that places health care workers in the second tier. Whether your health center staff will receive the vaccine, whether it will be in a timely fashion, and how effective it will actually be, are all factors that will affect your pandemic plan greatly – and demonstrate how much of your planning has to leave room for the unknown.

One thing that is beyond question is the importance of student health services acting now. Formulating a pandemic plan may be a slow and ponderous task, but there’s one vital aspect that will slow the spread of a pandemic and can be tackled by your department immediately without getting tangled in red tape and endless meetings.

This public health education can be a collaborative effort with human resources and residence life staff. Covely agrees and even suggests extending the scope beyond campus boundaries. “It’s part of being a good and responsible neighbor to the community,” he says.

About The Author

Cassie Harman is a writer for Nuesoft Technologies ( http://www.nuemd.com ) . This article appeared previously in Nuesoft Xpress e-Nues( http://www.nuesoftxpress.com ).

Cancer Or Is It Christ In You?

They call “cancer” the big “C” word. Is it really? I beg to differ as a Christian.

I hope the information in this article will give hope to you who have been given no hope because a doctor has diagnosed you with cancer.

I would hope you would rather focus your attention on “Christ” no matter what stage of cancer has been diagnosed and no matter whether you are a Christian or not. “Christ” should be the big “C” word in your life right now and there is nothing to fear when you use it. What does it mean? It means, “The Anointed One” and refers to His anointing. Jesus is the Christ, “The Anointed One”. And His anointing is burden removing, yoke destroying power. There is no type of cancer that can stand up to the anointing of Christ, the Anointed One. And contrary to some, He is still anointed today to remove all curses, including cancer, from all people and still wants to “heal them all” just like He did in the Bible. Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. KJV This revelation of Christ’s anointing should rid us of all fear of cancer. Many just need to be given the revelation of Christ’s anointing and that it is free and available to all just like chemotherapy or radiation is readily available. The chemotherapy and radiation are costly but the anointing is free and available to all.

I know there are many questions that arise when we talk about healing and so I hope my answers from the Word of God will convince you that Christ and His anointing is available to you just as easily as the chemotherapy or radiation.

What is cancer anyway? Cancer is a disease. So according to the Bible since it is a disease then cancer is a curse. If you look at Deuteronomy 28, you will find all the curses that are a result of not keeping the Law of Moses and cancer being a disease is included.

Now since cancer is a curse, you as a Christian have been redeemed from all the curses listed under the Law according to Galatians. How did that happen? Galatians 3:13-14 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:14 That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; KJV You see Christ actually purchased your freedom from cancer or any other curse when He became a curse and hung on His cross. See, His sacrifice was for your total man, spirit, soul and body.

Some believe God gave them cancer. Did God give you cancer? If He did, then Christ Jesus was cursed for no reason for you and you might as well take Galatians 3:13 out of your bible. But I don’t want to take Galatians 3:13 out of my bible because I have received healing by taking that promise as my very own and you can also.

If you believe God gave you cancer, my question to you is; where would God get cancer to give it to you and why would He give it to you? There is no cancer in heaven for God to give it to you and it would be contrary to the bible for God to give you a curse. James 1:17-18 Whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God above, who created all heaven's lights. Unlike them, he never changes or casts shifting shadows. 18 In his goodness he chose to make us his own children by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his choice possession. NLT God never changes. His desire to bless you never changes.

If He put cancer on you He would be putting a curse on you and therefore He would be ignoring Galatians 3:13 and Jesus becoming a curse for you so that you could receive the blessing.

Some say cancer and other bad things happen to you because God is punishing you for your sins or is trying to teach you something or make you a better witness. Why would God give you cancer or any other bad thing to punish you for your sins; when as a Christian, God has punished Jesus for all of your present sins, past sins, and even our future sins from the foundation of the earth.

Ephesians 1:2-7 Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: 4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: 5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, 6 To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. 7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; KJV

Why would God give you cancer to teach you something? Would you give your children something bad to hurt them or destroy them so they could learn something? Certainly not. Being a good parent you would sit them down and tell them not only not to do some thing again but you would show them why it is wrong and the consequence of it. And anyway, teaching your children by abuse, don’t people get arrested for child abuse in our society? Then how could God not be guilty of abuse if He put cancer on His children to teach them something or for any other reason and how could He not be guilty of not keeping His Word, especially Galatians 3:13.

Here is what the Word of God says about correction from God to His children: 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God's will in thought, purpose, and action), 17 So that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work. AMP

So our correction as a child of God comes from the Word of God. The Word of God instructs, reproves, convicts of sin (Does not condemn by the way.), corrects of error, disciplines and trains in holy living and conforming to God’s will. That is why we need to read it and meditate it daily so we aren’t taken advantage of by our ignorance of God and His Word and His love for us as His children.

Who in his right mind would want to listen to someone testify of their great God giving them cancer and want to have any thing to do with Him?

Would you want your children tell their friends how you did bad things to them in order to teach them? Certainly not. And neither does God because He is not a child abuser for He is the best Father this planet will ever know anything about and from which all fatherhood should be copied.

And how can having cancer make a good witness of God when most sick with any kind of sickness or disease (especially cancer) are not able to be a good witness because of the pain and suffering. The pain and suffering are also a good indication it is not from Father God.

Why did Jesus, the Christ, come to this earth for any way? Here are some scriptures I think will answer that question:

John 10:9-11 The thief comes only in order to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come in order that you might have life — life in all its fullness. 11 "I am the good shepherd, who is willing to die for the sheep. TEV

1 John 3:8 The reason the Son of God was made manifest (visible) was to undo (destroy, loosen, and dissolve) the works the devil [has done]. AMP

Jesus came to destroy cancer, sickness, disease and all curse and that is what you see Him doing in the Gospels. And Jesus told us He only did and said what the Father told Him to say and do and it was the Father through Him doing works of “healing and delivering them all”.

Do you think if Adam and Eve had not sinned, would God use sickness, disease or calamity to teach them? Certainly not and neither does He use them to teach us, His children, whom the Bible declares He loves us as much as He loves Jesus. Did He teach Jesus with cancer, sickness, disease, or calamity? Certainly not. People are put in prison for child abuse. God is not a child abuser.

Here are the facts & the truth about Cancer vs. Christ:

Cancer is a disease.

Christ is the Anointed One who destroys all disease in your body, including cancer.

Cancer is not the big “C” word.

Christ has been given a name above all names, the name of “Jesus”, which includes cancer. The name of Jesus has been given to you to speak and see cancer leave your body now!

Cancer is evil and not God sent.

Christ is God sent to be your Savior from cancer now!

Cancer is life threatening.

Christ has brought you abundant life to the full till it over flows.

Cancer comes to kill, steal & destroy.

Christ came to destroy the works of the devil which includes all diseases and that means all evil works of cancer in your body now!

Cancer is a fact.

Christ is the way (Your way out of cancer.), the TRUTH (The truth, He has redeemed you from cancer.), and the LIFE (How can cancer live in your body where Christ, God, Life Himself lives?)

Cancer can be diagnosed.

“In Christ” is really who God and His Word says you are and what you have in this life. (See “In Him” scriptures on my website, so you can declare who you are “in Christ” and what Christ has made you to have.)

Cancer checkups are what they recommend.

In Christ, you are told to look continually into the perfect law of liberty, the Word of God;primarily the Book of Acts through Revelations and make a checkup daily of the blessings of Christ on your body and do no checkups for the curse from which Christ has purchased your freedom. (James 1:22-25)

Years ago I was doing a check on my body for lumps as recommended and the Holy Ghost asked me, “What are you checking for? Are you checking for the curse? You shouldn’t be looking for the curse on your body but for the blessing Jesus purchased for you.”

I have found so many times that woman especially, if the enemy can get a breast or even both with cancer he will get the female organs and on and on. If he can place fear of cancer in our minds that is where the seed for cancer is first planted and then manifested in the body if we meditate on it long enough, start believing it and speaking it; like, “Cancer runs in my family so I probably will get it,” or other words to bring it to pass in our lives. That is why we need to fill our minds and mouths daily with whom and what Christ has made us to be and what He has purchased for us.

Here is your hope of never having cancer or hope when the doctor speaks the word “cancer” to you. If you will meditate and speak these words of hope every day, as many time as you take treatments or medication then you will receive the hope inside of you that will remove all fear and allow the Anointed One and His anointing to work.

Let’s make this confession of our faith in Christ and His anointing every day:

I am redeemed from all the curse of the Law since Jesus became a curse for me. I will not tolerate these curses for they are not in my new covenant in Christ Jesus established in the righteousness of Jesus. I do not allow the curses of the Law to come on my body. Christ Jesus has redeemed me from destruction and perishing before my time. This new covenant has given me the blessing of living a long, full and satisfying life. Christ Jesus has redeemed me from all pestilence which bring agonizing death, including cancer. Christ is the big “C” in my life and not cancer. Christ Jesus has redeemed me from tuberculosis, cancer, progressive wasting of my body, fever, inflammation, and effects of draught, decay, and mildew. Christ Jesus has defeated my enemies and I am completed in Him. Christ Jesus has redeemed me from boils, tumors, malignant diseases causing a discharge, scurvy (bleeding gums and livid skin patches), scabies, hives, rashes and all skin diseases, which cause an itch. Christ Jesus has redeemed me from going crazy because of what I see going on around me. Christ Jesus has redeemed from every curse that tries to come on me and overtake me so that I am destroyed. Christ Jesus has redeemed me from all sickness and plague having a long duration. Christ Jesus has redeemed me from every disease that is in the world. Christ Jesus has redeemed me from all sickness that is known and all sickness that is not known. Christ Jesus has redeemed me from every sickness that has ever been on the earth and ever will be on the earth. Christ Jesus has redeemed me from exhaustion in my heart, my eyes, my mind, and my spirit. Christ Jesus has redeemed from all the curses now! Because of Christ Jesus none of these will come on my body. My life is now in Christ Jesus, my Lord, and I am forever set free from all of these curses now on this earth! I now look for the blessing of Christ on my body.

I personally know this works. My family and I for over 30 years have not had a doctor’s appointment, hospital stay or had to take medication; we just took the Word of God for our healing. And really the more you know the truth of the Word of God, like myself, you will find that you will have very little symptoms come on your body.

So it is Christ in you who is your hope of glory not only in the life to come but also in this life. Live in Him, vitally connected to Him in your every day life. Your intimate relationship with Him filled with love and acceptance is where you will stay free from things that would come to kill, steal and destroy in your life. His love frees you from fear, worry, stress, rejection and condemnation that really are the killers in this day in which we live. A good remedy is just to spend time with Him enveloped in His love, a day would be much to your advantage.

I have listed on my website scriptures and confessions to help you stay strong in your covenant right of divine health and also to restore to you what Jesus purchased for you. I agree with you for your deliverance from cancer and that you continue to live in divine health. I also offer to you on my website a book of Doddie Osteen’s, “Healed of Cancer” to encourage you. God bless you, in Jesus’ name.

About The Author

Janie Baer has produced a CD called God’s Spoken Word and her website http://www.godswordalive.com offers products to help Christians use Bible scriptures in every day living finding the secret power of god’s word and to help find the unconditional love of Father God. Janie also has a blog, http://www.godswordalive.com/blog. Also on her site is Kingdom of God Prosperity Bookstore which offers bibles, audio bibles, music cds, music dvds, Children books & dvds, Christian books, Christian games and other products to help incorporate the Word into your life. She has also recently added Bible scriptures and confessions for healing and health, prosperity, Father God’s Unconditional love and continues to add more all the time. She has applied these healing scriptures with her family for over 30 years and as a result they have not had a doctor, hospital or medical bill in all those years. They have just taken the healing Bible scriptures as their medicine as was written in Proverbs 4:22.

The Perfect Rep: Unlocking The Ultimate Secret For Permanent Effective Training

his will be the most important piece of information that you will ever read about weight training.

Repetitions… Your entire training career is composed of millions of them. You group them in sets and they are the basis of each workout. Performing them correctly is the difference between success and failure. A perfect repetition, seemingly simple, has many components and is powerfully effective. I am going to explain how to perform the perfect rep and why it is so important.

At the impressionable age of 14 I was lucky enough to be introduced to the world of weight training by a competitive bench presser and ex-Olympic wrestler. He was a cartoonish 5 foot 3, 65 kilo powerhouse with a barrel chest and black pony-tail mullet down to his arse. At his gym in Bellingen he would ensure that I learned and retained precise lifting technique during my first 12 months of training. Thank-you Kevin. Under his supervision I went on to become the Australian School-boys Bench Press Champion at the ripe old of age of 15 with a lift of 87.5 kilograms (192.5 pounds) at a HUGE (laughs) body-weight of 66 kgs (145 lbs). That was after only 6 months of training. Technique and intensity is EVERYTHING!

Kevin sold the gym to a great man called Scott who became a very close friend of mine, a fantastic training partner and the catalyst for my career in Personal Training. He looked somewhat normal in comparison to Kevin sporting a natural, balanced, muscular bodybuilder’s physique. His basic training philosophy was to hit each muscle group from every angle with perfect form designating set and exercise volume in proportion to the size of the muscle group, i.e. back being the most complex and largest received the most exercises while biceps being one of the smallest received the least. I learned a lot from him. Exercise form was always at the fore-front of his teachings.

>From Kevin I discovered that each exercise has an optimum movement path to generate maximum power safely. Scott showed me a broad range of exercises and how to apply good technique to each of them for consistent effectiveness and efficiency. I have taken these lessons with me throughout my career and applied them to my training and the hundreds of exercises that I have created myself.

Anyone who knows me will find that I am extremely particular about good exercise technique. I pay very close attention to the body position and movement pattern adjusting fine components so that the exercise is totally optimised. I must annoy the hell out of my clients sometimes. It works though.


Reduced Risk Of Injury…

If you are to remain injury-free throughout your training career you must practise safe, tight, controlled lifting technique for every single repetition. If the movement is as close to biomechanical perfection as possible you will receive maximum stimulation with minimum risk. Injuries will halt your progress every time and can be very serious. Any chance to avoid them should be harnessed, implemented and retained.

Decreased ‘Cheating’ And Involvement Of Unrelated Muscle Groups…

If your form is sloppy there is a good chance that you are not hitting the target muscle as completely as you could be. As soon as your technique declines other muscle groups come into play assisting during the lift, often in an unsafe manner. A classic one is allowing your torso to swing during a bicep curl using your lower back, glutes and hamstrings to get the weight up. There is not only the danger of hurting yourself there is also the probability that you are not taking the target muscles to failure. Keep the form tight and you will stimulate the muscle safely and entirely.

Decreased Involvement And Fatigue From Ancillary Muscle Groups…

Related to the last point the execution of a perfect repetition every time will ensure the target muscle is isolated and fully fatigued before the ancillary muscles (assisting muscles) give out. To make this more clear I will describe two examples where this is a common occurrence. Example 1: when you perform a back exercise if you do not focus on engaging and isolating the targeted muscles of the back then the forearms and biceps will crash and burn before the back is fully worked. Example 2: when you perform a chest exercise if you do not focus on isolating the pectorals during the movement then the triceps and anterior deltoids will give out first impeding the progress of the chest. It is easy for ancillary muscles to come into play during an exercise if your form is sloppy because they are there to assist the movement. But because they are smaller and weaker if you do not make sure that the target muscle is completely fatigued first they will always give out holding backyour progress.

Increased Motor Neuron Innervation And Muscle Fiber Activation…

If you isolate the target muscle group and contract it slowly and intensely through the entire movement you will activate the greatest amount of muscle fibers. A safe and full range of motion (ROM) will involve muscle fibers from the origin (initial attachment) right across to the insertion (final attachment) of the muscle. A slow, intense, precise movement during the entire concentric contraction (muscle shortening) and eccentric contraction (muscle lengthening) will innervate more motor neurons ‘firing’ more muscle fibers. This will facilitate a maximum activation of the muscle fibers and total muscle contraction maximizing strength and muscle gain.

Improved Mind-Muscle Connection…

The mind-muscle connection is your ability to feel the target muscle contract completely and under total control during the execution of an exercise. Usually a muscle group that you find difficult to feel and to develop is one that you have a poor mind-muscle connection with. Consistent, strict form on all of your repetitions will help you gain control of these stubborn body-parts. The mind-muscle connection improves when the path from your motor cortex (the control centre of your brain for movement) to the working muscle becomes more efficient.

Improved Focus, Discipline, Intensity And Quality Of Training…

This level of precision for every single repetition that you perform during your workout demands a massive amount discipline, will-power and intensity. You control the movement of every exercise and apparatus as though it were part of your body. Be patient and apply it to all exercises performed until it becomes second nature. By this stage it will feel awkward to train with sloppy technique and you won’t miss it because you will become stronger and more muscular and injury-free.


1. Starting Point – where the body is in the appropriate position to begin the Repetition.

2. Concentric Contraction – where the muscle shortens as the weight is lifted through the predetermined Range of Motion (ROM). Also called ‘The Positive Phase’.

3. Mid Point – the point of greatest contraction at the top of the Repetition where you pause briefly before releasing the weight.

4. Eccentric Contraction – where the muscle lengthens as the weight is released to the Finishing Point. Also called ‘The Negative Phase’.

5. Finishing Point – same as the Starting Point.


Learn And Practice Proper Technique…

Take the time to study the extensive step-by-step video exercise descriptions on my website http://www.GlobalWeightTraining.com. They are demonstrations personally performed by me explaining all the muscles involved, the detailed technique and what the repetitions should look like during a set. There are over 300 hundred exercises; learn them before you perform them.

Apply And Maintain Proper Technique…

Once you have learnt the exercise guidelines make sure you apply them to your training in the gym precisely and consistently. If you forget how to do something go back to the site and look it up.

Repetition Speed…

The repetition speed should for muscle growth and strength in bodybuilding, shaping and toning and for general health should be medium (1-2 seconds) during the Concentric Contraction (where the weight is lifted) and slow (2-5 seconds) during the Eccentric Contraction (where the weight is released). The exact seconds required for each phase of the repetition depends on the size of the range of motion (ROM) of each individual exercise. Example; Calf exercises have a smaller ROM so the time required to perform the repetitions slowly would be reduced. Squats, on the other hand, have a large ROM so the time required to perform the repetitions slowly would be increased. Performing exercise with speed is not without merit and it is prevalent in functional training, power-training, and sport-specific training but there is an increased risk of tissue injury with the sudden force exerted when lifting. There is also greater focus on the tendons, ligaments, bones and joints rather than the muscles.

Ancillary Muscles And Stabilizers…

You cannot perform an exercise safely or effectively unless your body is positioned in accordance with the guidelines for that exercise. This means that once you are set your ancillary muscles (the direct assisting muscles for the movement) and the stabilizers (the muscles that hold the rest of the body in the correct place) must be engaged so that a perfect repetition is performed every time. This will make your body safe, strong and functional.

Abdominals And Core Muscles…

It doesn’t matter which exercise you are performing your mid-section must be switched on for total maximum gains. The abdominals and the core inner muscles of the spine are the superstructure of the body which holds everything together under the stresses of exercise. They lock you safely into the correct position and maintain it during the set. Engaging them properly will stabilise the body, increase your total strength, increase the strength of the abdominals and core muscles themselves, protect the spine and facilitate the implementation of perfect repetitions for all exercises. * To use your mid-section properly during exercise pull your lower abs in towards the spine, pull in the obliques, contract the entire abdominal complex and lift the chest *

Symmetry And Precision Of Movement…

To be certain that both sides of your body develop evenly you must ensure that each exercise is executed symmetrically. Human bodies are never built with faultless balance and the rigours of life make that deviation from perfect symmetry even more profound. To diminish the impact of this continuing you need to train in front of a mirror as much as possible or utilise the constant critical eye of a training partner. This will allow you to supervise and fine-tune your exercise technique at all times reducing imbalances of strength, muscularity and functionality.

Range Of Motion…

Most of the time you need to use a full range of motion (ROM) to stimulate the all of the muscle fibers from the origin, across the belly (the middle bulk), to the insertion of the muscle. If you cheat and continuously use partial repetitions you will lose flexibility and miss out on muscle and strength gains from the outer angles. There is a limit, however, to how large the ROM should be. It is individual to each exercise and should be large enough for maximum muscle fiber stimulation without causing any joint or tissue injury from over-extension. There are techniques and set sequences that are based on partial repetitions but they have their own strict technique and should be used sparingly for shock tactics and variety.


You need to breathe properly during each repetition to maintain a continuous delivery of oxygen around the body to the working muscles. It will also reduce the build-up of carbon-dioxide. This will give you the energy to power through the set and decrease the onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA – that awful burn from lactic acid which is caused from glycogen being burnt for energy without the presence of oxygen). Breathing properly also takes the pressure off your cardio-vascular system facilitating normal function under conditions of high stress from intense exercise. It is important to keep the blood pressure down and unnecessary strain off the body as no-one is unbreakable. Another advantage of full, rhythmic breathing is that it will pace the tempo of your repetitions. You can’t take slow, full breaths if your reps are fast and messy.


1. Take a slow, deep intake of breath as the weight is released (when the target muscle stretches and lengthens during the eccentric contraction).

2. Breath out more forcefully as the weight is lifted (when the target muscle engages and shortens during the concentric contraction)

3. There are alternate breathing techniques but this one is simple and safe so remember: breathe in when the weight is released and breathe out when the weight is lifted.


Finally we come to my favourite word; Intensity. To cause the greatest amount of muscle fiber damage and to induce growth producing chemistry within the body you need to push each set to absolute failure or beyond. By that I mean that you make sure you grind out each repetition with perfect technique until it is not possible to perform another without losing your form. To go beyond failure you must utilise a training partner or spotter or perform intensity increasing techniques which are described on our website http://www.GlobalWeightTraining.com. You must however maintain precise technique for each repetition throughout the set no matter what your goal is or how far you push yourself.

There you have it my friends. I have given you the key. Place it in the lock and turn it. Don’t look back. There is so much out there to learn, understand and apply to your training. You may get a little lost among it all but if you know how to perform ‘The Perfect Rep’ every time the most basic element of successful training will be with you forever. Good luck and have fun…

About The Author

Joey Sheather is the head trainer at Global Weight Training, which provides step-by-step instructions on how to get into shape in the shortest possible time. For more information, visit http://www.globalweighttraining.com

Proactive Acne Treatment

There is no doubt who among the adults and the teens should suffer from the acne disorder, both do and we have all witnessed this. Factual information based on extensive research that has been conducted by our brilliant physicians affirms that acne can be caused by a myriad of factors. These factors though will differ from victim to the next and that is why one must aim a t understanding their own before proactive acne treatment and control.

So in other words, one must aim at confronting their acne causes as proactive acne treatment plan. If your doctor among other things blamed your skin type to be the problem because the glands at its dermis are overactive, thus producing excessive sebum ( food for acne causing bacteria) , then you should take medical measures for this. of course, your doctor should guide you through this. Needless to say, cleaning the skin several times a day with a mild cleanser and a warm facial cloth to help remove keratin plugs and irritating oil is a very crucial step. This is so because keeping the skin clean will not prevent acne, but washing regularly will help existing acne from becoming bad.
In addition, if the cause of your acne is related to hormonal imbalance, perhaps your doctor should suggest the way forward with this in mind in connection to your acne disorder. This would get worse than before and your proactive acne treatment might not work if this problem is not tackled ahead of everything else. It is also very important that you eat a balanced diet because this way your immunity will remain strong and will not let you down when it comes to fight against acne especially if coupled with a stress free life.

A prescription containing five percent benzyl peroxide, applied to the skin at least once in every two days, can be advantageous in treating and controlling acne. Sharp doctors brains tell us that prescription containing benzoyl peroxide cause the surface of the skin to lightly shed. This mild removal of skin can facilitate the process of unclogging the sebaceous glands which might be full of sebum and dead cells.

Although they are effective, they might fail to deliver results immediately. It may be necessary to use them for numerous weeks to achieve results. If these medications seem to be unproductive after these weeks of habitual use, you could increase them to about ten percent on a daily basis. If there is any irritation discontinue using the product. Make sure label directions are read and followed carefully during proactive acne treatment.

Another optional treatment is the use of the prescription by the name of tretinoin. This works like benzoyl peroxide and is obtainable simply. For a number of people, tretinoin causes inflammation and this is why you must discontinue usage if this happens to you. If the above discomfort, then go try some very common yet many home remedies for acne problems

Make a paste of roasted and powdered pomegranate skin with fresh lime juice and apply over boils, acne, pimple, blackheads and whiteheads. Also try applying grated potatoes to treat skin blemishes, wrinkles, boils, pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads. Make a paste of sandalwood with rose water and apply on affected area and clean it off after thirty minutes with warm water. There so many proactive acne treatments you could try at home that I can not even afford to include them in this article.

By: Esteri Maina

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Acne Creams Are Flooding The Market

Nowadays, it seems the acne creams manufactures have also recognized the increasing demand for these products and that is why they have flooded the market with it. But one thing I am not so sure of is whether some of these products are just made to get the producer a unique competitive edge as opposed to the rivals or to cater for the customer specific needs. You must have seen those dazzling ladies on television doing commercial and they first show their faces before using the product and afterwards wonders. Now if you happen to have fallen for this gimmick, you are not alone, I did too.

A friend of mine was lucky not to develop this terrible disorder on her face, but her upper back and chest was not spared from her puberty until her early twenties. I think these bacteria causing acne did not taste the fresh at her face and if they did, then it must have been pungent and so they lost their appetite. One thing you may not know about these bacteria, virus or whatever is that they will never retreat to their usual slumber on our skins if they are still being provoked. For her case, they must have probed their tiny brains for the next encampment which they fortunately found just above her breasts and some descendants were sent right at her upper back where they started gnawing her fresh instantly.
It was not long before their work started bringing good fruits for them because they had plenty of food while to her; she inherited bitter fruits in form of acne. Since she had friends who suffered from facial acne, she could join in their girls' brigade so she could steal some of their tricks. But then what she heard from these girls was just what she watches on television every time that special advert is aired. She knew that she had always wanted to try one of those particular acne creams, advertised via trim beautiful figures and experience the wonders. The brigade girls had then given her a reason to go ahead without any fear at all.

So there she bought it hoping that she was about to say good bye to her ugly acne, just like she should always do, she read the label and followed this closely, she even increased the number of times she usually showered but she got a rude shock, when the condition seemed to be aggravated by the product. This made her feel so down that she confined herself to thick garments because the whole disaster was very unsightly. Little did she know that this warm and wet conditions due to sweat was actually fun for these "crazy" bacteria.

From then till her early twenties none of the many acne creams worked for her and she then learnt to accept this as part of her life. She however stayed far from love because she thought that if she was already ashamed of her condition, how then would someone else accept her the way she was? I told you she suffered no pimple on her face and so her friends said she was fortunate than them but this only reminded her of the enduring moment she had fought worthless battles with acne. So she decided to live as if she do not know about this and it cleared by itself, today her skin is pleasant.

I want not to worry you with her story, but my point is that you must see your doctor so you can realize which among the many acne creams will work for you.

By: Esteri Maina

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Acne Vulgaris Is A Severe Inflammatory Ailment

Acne vulgaris might be quite a vocabulary to you exclusive reader and therefore you might not understand what I could be talking about. But do not be, because in this article I will concentrate on this starting by the meaning of this term. Acne Vulgaris is a severe inflammatory disease of the skin; caused by alteration in the pilosebaceous units. The units are in simpler words skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated with sebaceous glands. Acne lacerations are commonly referred to as pimples or zits

The most widespread form of acne is known as acne vulgaris which is differenced by the name common acne. Extreme secretion of oils from the glands combines with naturally occurring dead skin cells to block the hair follicles. Oil secretions build up beneath the blocked pore, providing a perfect environment for the skin bacteria Propionibacterium acnes to develop unrestrained. In reaction, the skin inflames, producing the visible lesion. The face, chest, back, shoulders and upper arms are especially affected.
The condition is frequent in during the teenage and this happen due to the raging hormones activating the transformation of their tiny bodies to beautiful men and women. This then result to an abnormal response to normal levels of the growth hormones and acne is one of the many effects the teenagers undergo. It is at this stage that they start exploring their reproductive issues and will be attracted to the opposite sex members, and if one too unlucky to catch this acne vulgaris, then this can be a turning point to the worst.

The reaction for most people with acne vulgaris differs and some will get so worked up and will result to self hate and rejection for as long as the acne does not disappear while others will cope so easily by just letting it be for the longest time. Those with fragile character will react negatively while those who have an outspoken and sound personality will retain their self worth. This kind of acne might disappear after or during early twenties or many even progress to later adulthood. There is, yet, no way to predict how long it will take for it to fade away entirely. Acne affects a large percentage of humans at some stage in life.

The typical nature of this condition occurs in form of comedones, papules, pustules, nodules and inflammatory cysts. These are the more puffed-up form of pus-filled or reddish bumps, even boil-like tender swellings. Non-inflamed 'sebaceous cysts', more properly called epidermoid cysts, occur either in association with acne or alone but are not a constant feature. After resolution of acne lesions, prominent hideous scars may remain. People who suffered severe acne vulgaris, have spotted skin at the regions where they were affected and this can be very scandalous when it affects the face. The light skin looks more horrible than darker skins.

Apart from scarring, its central effects are psychological, such as reduced self-esteem and depression. Acne usually appears during adolescence, when people already tend to be most socially insecure. However the best way to tackle acne vulgaris is to start with your dermatologist.

By: Esteri Maina

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Acne Skin Treatment That You Can Consider

Obviously, our whole body is covered by this major body organ called the skin which has the major function of thermal regulation. However, by looking at the same skin, you are likely to tell what race the person come because of the complexion and some have used it to depict what is beautiful or ugly. A skin that has been wretched by severe and recurrent acne will definitely be unappealing to the eye as opposed to one that has a clear tone and a silky touch. To get rid of those bumps, pimples spots or whatever, acne skin treatment is what you must search for wittily.

As long as it is a human skin, the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes will always poke around it harmlessly until they are provoked to wake up and start devouring the same fresh they reside on. You can not effectively treat acne if you do not understand the underlying causes of it in your specific case. The dermatologist is the only one who can tell if the disorder is as a result of multiplication of this bacteria that have abundant of sebum to feed on, particularly if you sebaceous glands are overly active in their usual secretions. what is more, the bacterial could be causing more irritation on your skin with its enzymes as it feeds on those open pimples that you just burst open with your scratching nails.
In most cases, the skin that is most susceptible to acne is the upper back or the whole of it, upper chest, neck, and upper arms perhaps because this part is covered up and hard to reach when you bathe like the back. So what acne skin treatment care can we use to remove these pimples that prevent us from wearing backless dresses or V-shaped ones or whatever? One thing that you should know is that acne on your body is not any different from the one on your face and you must give it the same attention so as to clear up.

Just like you have a facial, you should also opt for a regular body treatment for softer, smoother skin. According to some exclusive beauty specialists, this deep cleansing and exfoliating treatment is ideal for the neglected skin on your back. A delightful way to treat breakouts, control excess oiliness and reefing and smooth the skin. This skin acne treatment will deep cleanse, remove blackheads and leave your entire skin feeling revitalized, refreshed and much smoother to the touch. This treatment is done in two easy steps.

Exfoliation is the other acne skin treatment that you should try on your disaster and with this, you skin is cleansed with a special cleanser, after which it will be massaged for approximately ten minutes with a body scrub. the body scrub will not only help you get rid of dull skin cells, but it will also stimulate circulation, improve the texture and elasticity for the skin, relieve itching and help skin natural tone. it also loosens dead surface skin cells and leaves your skin softer and smoother, then the scrub is the wiped of with a hot towel and then the blackhead extraction will then be performed to remove all remaining clogged pores and pimples.

By: Esteri Maina

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Acne Tips For Smooth, Supple And Healthy Skin

Needless to mention, acne is a disorder that can affect anyone mostly from the age of teenage onwards and thus at least grabbing some few or many acne tips will not hurt at all. May be you have never suffered from this ailment before and as a result, it happens to be a subject of low concern to you. You visibly have a skin and as the medical experts tell us, the bacterium p. acnes that are the major cause of acne, reside on that skin of yours. You therefore can not be sure if you will catch gravely at some point in your coming days and you had better be vigilant! No one would dare ask for such a revolting and distressing ailment.

If you been an enduring prisoner of this disorder, then you already realize that it will mostly plague your back, chest, neck arms and of course your beautiful face. I know possibly you are the kind who has visited many dermatologists to get the right cure, but instead they have only asked for more and more dollars without delivering any reliable results. You must be growing weary of the socio stigma that goes hand in hand with this disorder especially so with the endless nagging questions that you got no answers for. You may well be too conscious of their negative and spiteful talk that you have also neglected your other endeavors because all you do is watch your pathetic face on that m Remember that you must live your life like there is no tomorrow and you have no idea how to do this with the acne disaster getting on your way every time you plan to do something positive and different for yourself. It is time you put the following acne tips in practice and check the progress afterwards. Try to stick to the natural you by avoiding harsh deodorant soaps and excessive cleansing and scrubbing can irritate the skin and strip away its protective moisture shield. Instead make your own body scrub at home by mixing sea salt with baby oil or olive oil. Allow the mixture to soak in to your skin for a few minutes to allow the edges of the salt to dissolve before massaging in, then rinsing away.

One of the many tips includes smoothing your body with oil before getting in to the bath. After soaking for about ten minutes, rub your skin with a soft wash cloth- you will be amazed at how much dead skin you remove. Your ordinary wash cloth or bath sponge can also double up as an exfoliator. Lather up with plenty of soap or shower gel and massage over damp skin before rinsing away with clean water. Soothe irritated skin by adding up a cup of cider vinegar to your bathe water. For healthy looking skin, drink at least eight glasses of water for several days before and after having the back or whatever part facial. This will help to hydrate the skin.

By: Esteri Maina

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Acne Products Should Not Empty Your Bank Account

Should there be a reason why you should let go of a small fortune of your hard-earned cash on expensive acne products such as creams, soaps and lotions that promise to give you striking, healthy and alluring skin? Beauty industry experts claim that new generation's beauty products, labeled as nutricosmoceautical, because of their nutritional, cosmetic and medicinal properties, have the capability of nourishing enhance looks while providing medicinal therapy to your skin.

Some dermatologists argue that our skin cells and tissues require minerals and vitamins for effective metabolism. Conversely, depletion of these minerals and vitamins can cause diseases such as acne while their excess in the body gives rise to a toxic state. By virtue of our skin being exposed to hostile aggressors which knock it off its biological and psychological balance, its constantly confronted and one can experience several skin problems. Even if we are told to eat right, diet alone is not sufficient to meet the body's demands hence the need for beauty acne products that will give the skin nourishment and protection in form it can easily be absorbed.
a basic beauty routine is inevitable for any woman starting from the early teenage years because during puberty, the skin is affected by the hormonal changes taking place in the body hence the need fro proper care. women of today have taken a quite risky approach of buying their acne products that they perceived best to clear up skin blemishes and give them a glowing light complexion, oblivious of the fact that they are destroying their faces.

People must make an informed choice about their acne products and getting post sale consultation. An effective product will cost a bit more but always have a day cream that protects your skin from harmful sun rays from sun and a separate night cream that regenerates and helps the skin renew. Many of these abrasive facial scrub products are good for nothing because all they are popular at is causing skin scarring and irritations as they strip the skin of its hydro-lipid film responsible for protecting it from external aggression.

Your skin needs regular deep cleaning using steam and more concentrated professional products that can only be accessed in beauty parlor treatments. Alpha hydroxyl acids products are today the best, which is a fruit acids derivative. They aid the removal of dead, flaky skin, lighten pigmentation marks and hydrate the skin, although it should be used minimally to avoid any skin irritation. one must avoid using more than three products containing this derivative to avoid over stimulating the skin of on the face and destroying its natural coating.

Perhaps you should focus your attention mostly on the natural acne products too such as the herbal products. there are so many of them and they do not cease to flood the market and they all promise to heal the pimples, clear the sharp scars of acne and also the blemishes with a number of weeks of regular application. If you have tried and they did not bring the magic as portrayed, possibly your skin type does not match up with that formula so see your doctor to establish your skin type.

By: Esteri Maina

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Clear Acne Nightmare By Ascertaining Your Skin Type

A battle whose enemy is known without a doubt is the only one worth wagging for because one is armed with the right weapons. How long have you fought endlessly with that acne, enduring pain and embarrassment every single day and night that come and go? How long are you prepared to contain this suffering within you and not get to unearth the underlying cause? You could be the type who got tired of trying out every new detail on those magazines promising to clear acne nightmare after whatever period of time!

Those products that you might have tried have got nothing to be blamed for to some extent. There is a probability that you are the one not so sure about your skin type which could actually be a combination one. Combination skin is one of the most misunderstood skin types and many women who have got this kind erroneously think that it's oily and end up spending a fortune on the wrong skin care products. So how do you tell that yours is a combination skin? This skin appears dry in some areas and smooth in others after washing with a facial wash. It will also look shiny in the forehea Once you have known that your skin could be a combination type, and then it will be easy to clear acne by learning how to care for it. Combination skin needs careful care because it has a blend of oily and dry patches. Across the forehead and down to the nose and chin tends to be oily and needs to be treated like oily skin. However the other areas are prone to dryness and flakiness due to lack of moisture and need to be treated like dry skin.

Because your skin has dry and oily patches, you need a twin approach to skincare. Treating your entire complexion like oily skin will leave the dry areas even drier and tight than before. in the same way, treating it only like dry skin can provoke excess oiliness and even an outbreak of blemishes. This means you need to deal with the different areas of the skin individually with products to suit. This is not as complicated as it sounds and the result will be a softer, smoother and clearer tone than before.

Cleansing is the next best strategy to clear acne and all you need to use a foaming facial wash in the morning to cleanse your skin. This will ensure t3 oily areas are clean and that the pores on your nose are kept clearer to prevent blackheads and blemishes. Massage a little on to damp skin, concentrating on the oily areas. Leave this for a few seconds to dissolve the dirt and then splash with cool water to remove the cleanser. Toning will aim at making your skin fresh. You need to buy two different strengths of toners to deal with different areas of the skin. Choose a stronger astringent for the oily areas and a mild skin freshener for the drier ones this is not a costly procedure because you do not have to use a lot of these and thus they will last long. Sweep over your skin with cotton pads.

By: Esteri Maina

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Rabu, 21 Mei 2008

Clear Acne Nightmare By Ascertaining Your Skin Type

A battle whose enemy is known without a doubt is the only one worth wagging for because one is armed with the right weapons. How long have you fought endlessly with that acne, enduring pain and embarrassment every single day and night that come and go? How long are you prepared to contain this suffering within you and not get to unearth the underlying cause? You could be the type who got tired of trying out every new detail on those magazines promising to clear acne nightmare after whatever period of time!

Those products that you might have tried have got nothing to be blamed for to some extent. There is a probability that you are the one not so sure about your skin type which could actually be a combination one. Combination skin is one of the most misunderstood skin types and many women who have got this kind erroneously think that it's oily and end up spending a fortune on the wrong skin care products. So how do you tell that yours is a combination skin? This skin appears dry in some areas and smooth in others after washing with a facial wash. It will also look shiny in the forehead, nose chin by lunch hour and will often break out in spots in these areas.
Once you have known that your skin could be a combination type, and then it will be easy to clear acne by learning how to care for it. Combination skin needs careful care because it has a blend of oily and dry patches. Across the forehead and down to the nose and chin tends to be oily and needs to be treated like oily skin. However the other areas are prone to dryness and flakiness due to lack of moisture and need to be treated like dry skin.

Because your skin has dry and oily patches, you need a twin approach to skincare. Treating your entire complexion like oily skin will leave the dry areas even drier and tight than before. in the same way, treating it only like dry skin can provoke excess oiliness and even an outbreak of blemishes. This means you need to deal with the different areas of the skin individually with products to suit. This is not as complicated as it sounds and the result will be a softer, smoother and clearer tone than before.

Cleansing is the next best strategy to clear acne and all you need to use a foaming facial wash in the morning to cleanse your skin. This will ensure t3 oily areas are clean and that the pores on your nose are kept clearer to prevent blackheads and blemishes. Massage a little on to damp skin, concentrating on the oily areas. Leave this for a few seconds to dissolve the dirt and then splash with cool water to remove the cleanser. Toning will aim at making your skin fresh. You need to buy two different strengths of toners to deal with different areas of the skin. Choose a stronger astringent for the oily areas and a mild skin freshener for the drier ones this is not a costly procedure because you do not have to use a lot of these and thus they will last long. Sweep over your skin with cotton pads.

By: Esteri Maina

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Causes Of Acne Highlights

What really causes Acne? There are so many theories going round about the causes of Acne and possible solutions that many people think they are remedies for treating Acne. Acne occurs mostly in adolescence where most people are in their social age, a very sensitive level in ones life. For that reason the best explanation is that Acne develops as a result of blockages in follicles. This may be as a result of overreaction of hormones, water retention in the body and toxins in the blood and lymph.

The worrying thing is that when someone discovers that he/she is developing acne, there is a lot of worries such that next thing he/she thinks of is to go looking for chemicalized creams for acne in the market worsening the situation even without consulting a doctor. Do not despair when you discover that you are suffering from Acne. There is a solution for this.
There are many explanations that justify the Causes of Acne. Several hormones have been linked to acne like the androgens testosterone, as well as insulin just to name a few. Development of acne vulgaris in later years is uncommon, although this is the age group for Rosacea which may have similar appearances.

True acne vulgaris in adults may be a as a result of features like pregnancy and disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome or the rare Cushing's syndrome. Menopause-associated acne occurs as production of the natural anti-acne ovarian hormone estradiol fails at menopause. The lack of estradiol also causes thinning hair, hot flashes, thin skin, wrinkles, vaginal dryness, and predisposes to osteopenia and osteoporosis as well as triggering acne.

In many cases, a combination of treatments can greatly reduce the amount and severity of acne . Those treatments that are most effective tend to have greater potential for side effects and need a greater degree of monitoring, so a step by step approach recommended. Many people consult their doctors when deciding which treatments to use, especially when considering using any treatments in combination.

Many people think that Acne is caused by dirt but this is just a misconception. The blackheads are simply oxidized keratin that occurs deep within the narrow follicle channel making it so impossible to clean them away. The cells lining the duct fail and this explains why the flow of keratin is blocked and this causes acne. So do not get down on to yourself thinking that your fellow friends think you are dirty! If you asked me I would commend you because you must be the most clean person in the world for you work day and night cleaning up just to kick acne out of your body. But do not worry because Acne is curable.

There are so many ways you can cure acne but this starts with changing the negative altitude you have about yourself, no matter how deep the wounds they caused you through their malicious gossips. then consult your doctor who can advice the best drug for you which he can prescribe to you instantly, or ask you to purchase an over the counter drug which I caution you to follow the instructions written on the label. You could also learn and try the acne home remedies available to you at affordable rates.

By: Esteri Maina

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com